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Our Courses
First Aid and Pool based
JB Training and Events LTD specialises in training courses across the UK, we run different kinds of First Aid Courses and pool based courses for both potential lifeguards and swimming teachers.
First Aid courses for all industries
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First Aid at Work
Level 3
A comprehensive three-day course covering a wide range of first aid emergencies.
Emergency First Aid at Work Level 3
All candidates will have the skills and knowledge to provide Emergency First Aid to their casualties in a prompt, safe and effective manner.
Paediatric First
Aid Courses
A qualification is designed for learners with a responsibility for the care of children and infants on a professional level.
Home: Meet The Team
About JB Training
and Events
JB Training and Events specialises in training courses across the UK, we run various First Aid Courses for any business, group or private individual.
James Brooke, the company owner of JB Training and Events, has over 10 years experience working for different organisations and events across the UK and internationally.
James founded the company with the belief in sharing his knowledge and skill following a wide range of first aid incidents.
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Client Testimonials
Home: Testimonials
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